End of BBG Week 12 – The Stats

I have been on an exciting journey the last 98 days (14 weeks).

I redid a week because I felt like I didn’t give it my all and took a week long break once.

I had my ups and downs. I ate clean most of the time…but when I ate bad, IT WAS BAD…but so good. 😉  I worked out hard and then other days, I barely made it through my workout. I had days where I felt so strong and then days where I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere. I stopped drinking soda, I cut out fake sugars, I started drinking more water and green tea. I drove my husband crazy talking about BBG all the time. I posted on Instagram more than I probably should have and compared myself to others. I asked people questions and encouraged people I’ve never met. Then, people started to ask me questions…like I was the expert (I’m not) and I would carefully answer them after researching or talking to my husband (he’s a trained chef). I realized that the results that other people have had took HARD work and DEDICATION. It wasn’t easy for them and they worked their tails off to get where they are.

I am still in awe of the progress I’ve seen in others and myself. I may not have had the craziest of results, but they were realistic. I’m a real person who makes mistakes and has good/bad days. I had real results… I lost inches. I look a little better in a bathing suit. I am starting to see definition in my legs…and it excites me. I am not going back to my old way of life, which was full of sitting around, crash diets and binge eating. I will forever be changed.

My stats:

Week 1/Week 14

Neck: 13.5/13

Upper Arm: 11.5/11

Chest: 30/29

Waist: 28/27

Hips: 35/34.5

Upper Thigh: 23.25/2

Lower Thigh: 20/19

Calve: 14/13.5

Weight: 148.2/151    — I gained…crazy right? It’s muscle though.

My plan going forward:

Start over on the BBG 1.0 guide on March 30th (I originally chose April 1st but didn’t realize it was the middle of the week).  I will post more pictures, stats and try to learn from my mistakes this past time. I will continue to encourage anyone who crosses my path, whether it be on insta, at work or in my friend circle. I have found that spreading love begets love. I will also incorporate God into my posts and blogs more. He is the reason for all of this anyway. He needs his KUDOS. 🙂

If you want lasting results…and a realistic workout plan to follow, please go to kaylaitsines.com and check out her guide. You will be so glad you did.

Here’s to staying balanced,

